12 Secret Facebook Features Every Marketer Should Use
Mastering hidden Facebook features will help you get ahead of your competition. Managing an active and successful Facebook page with a...

How to Learn Social Media Marketing: 15 Blogs for Beginners
Are you blogging, Facebooking, tweeting, or pinning? If not, you’re missing out. The Internet has become the primary means for...

4 Steps to Getting Started with Twitter Marketing
Can you believe that Twitter has an average of 236 MILLION monthly active users? number still blows my mind, especially considering so...

How to 10x Your Instagram Marketing
There is a question I am asked often. What social media network should I be using? And guess what? Everyone wants a black and white...

How To Create And Promote Your YouTube Video In 8 Simple Steps
YouTube is serving up more than 200 million videos daily to smartphones and other internet linked mobile devices according to a recent...

Beating Copywriter’s Block
We’ve all experienced that feeling of dread. You’ve got your pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), but your mind is as blank as your...

The Incredible Benefits Of Being Bilingual
Most people in the world speak more than one language, suggesting the human brain evolved to work in multiple tongues. If so, asks Gaia...

Viral Video How To
Viral videos are among the most widely shared pieces of content online. They tend to get shared because they inspire, amuse or amaze –...

Marketing Your Business on a Shoestring Budget
Every business needs a way to market that doesn’t necessary cost an arm and a leg, shoestring marketing could be perfect for you. Just...

Why Your Elevator Pitch Is Your Single Best Marketing Tool
I’m going to start my case of why your elevator pitch is your single best marketing tool with a story. I once knew this guy whom I...