PASSION POWER CHAT Think'in BIG Kick'in Ass Takin Name's and Makin' Some itsmontezdo
itsmontezdotcom dose subs4subs So Raymond A Los and I had A very Long discussion on His start of to his to where he is now as the Owner...
Aunt Boo Boo
Id like you to meet a part of my heart :) Enjoy !
Black Lives Matters Movement itsmontezdotcom Speaks with Cody About its Standing Within Your Communi
Montez McCamish So when we stop to think about the situation at hand there has got to be a better way to go about this. What dose it...
The Sony Fan Girl Shouts Out Montez McCamish itsmontezdotcom
I tell you its Friends and love that makes the world go around The Sony Fan Girl sent a video to me in a tweet @Montez_McCamish and let...
ItsMontezDotCom: Giants of Ancient and Modern Times w/ Jon Pounders of NowYouSeeTv
I Have been so blessed to be able to speak with so many people. This time I was able to speak with a Good friend of mine Jon Pounders...
Exposing Darkness Prophecy Conference 2016
Prophecy exposing Nephilim, Secret Societies, Fallen Angels,demons, and their hidden agenda. Special guests Rob Skiba, Vigilant...
Itsmontezdotcom Sub4Sub
As you All know I have made a new youtube channel and I am looking for all the subscribers that I can gain possible. If you shoot me a...