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Bella Portaro Kueber Entrepreneur Blogger Social Media Maven Glitter Thrower

Bella Portaro Kueber came on my radar about a year or two ago when I started seeing her posts on social media about throwing glitter around. I initially had two reactions to this- how silly and ridiculous is this and I don't quite know what this is but I like it. So I started reading more about what she was putting out via her blog Bella Of Louisville. #duhh

Much of what she writes about center around doing good in the community, lifting someone else's achievements up or simply being positive about a simple aspect of life. It's inspiring and in some way I credit her with inspiring me to start this podcast. So it's only fitting that we chat with her about some of the cool things she's doing in her life. So listen in for the next 30 or so minutes and learn about this woman and her work around Louisville.

Bella Portaro Kueber

First, allow me to welcome you to the personal safe haven of my writing, thoughts, and photographs.

If you’re new to my blog, I hope you’ll navigate through the posts with an open-mind that’s ready to connect through the commonalities we all share. Our connections are much more similar than we’d ever like to acknowledge. But if you think about it long enough, you’ll realize that we’re all the same at our core. We may have to sort through a million layers to those bonds but they exist.

Second, as you dig through my layers, I hope you’re inspired by optimism, moved by love, and that you can find a post or two that will make you laugh.

I have “all the feels” in-person and online so I’m sorry to shock or disappoint but I am indeed a huge softie so I don’t hold back with my writing. I’m hopeful that you’ll find this vulnerability refreshing. I’m all about depth so get ready to jump into the deep-end of life topics but bring your sunglasses with you so you’re prepared for the glittery moments that are saturated with bliss. This blog makes frequent stops for fun because it’s mandatory for survival and serenity.

Last but not least, thank YOU for being a part of the social media world that brought you to my blog. As I said above, life is a gift and sharing it with you is a blessing to me.

Much love, Connect with Bella Portaro Kueber youtube

Bella Portaro Kueber Check out her website as well

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