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What is Periscope? "and why you should join today"

If you have heard about the new live streaming app from Twitter but wondered, “What is Periscope?” allow me to help.

Introduction to Periscope

In February 2015, Twitter purchased Periscope, an iOS live broadcast app, and by late March, launched to be greeted with a great deal of celebrity and excitement. In May 2015, Periscope was also released for Android users.

Similar to Meerkat, another live streaming app that launched in 2015, Periscope allows anyone to stream live, unedited content to the internet with just a smartphone.

Why bloggers should join Periscope now…

Since joining Periscope less than three weeks ago, I have seen my numbers increase across the board:

  • added over 100 Twitter followers

  • saw more than 200 email subscribers opt in

  • recruited over 200 new Facebook group members

  • watched product sales rise by 35%

In other words, engagement like CRAZY. What every blogger wants!

Periscope provides you with an excellent platform for presenting tutorials, encouragement, advice, etc. with real time engagement from your followers in a chat-style stream. Using Periscope regularly will enlarge your sphere of influence, placing your content in front of more people.

But more than numbers…

  • I have forged several new and strategic relationships with people I did not previously know in my niche.

  • I have received huge accolades and encouragement from experts and friends about my abilities and knowledge (which is a tremendous motivator to keep going).

  • I have renewed my vision, and I am charged with new ideas to help others grow their blogs.

  • I have learned a ton from others by watching broadcasts too.

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