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Things We Forget About Blogging


Sometimes we forget why we set out on our blogging adventures, our thoughts and opinions get brain washed by what other people are posting. Hands up, I admit it; I still try and make my blog fit in, I still try and get my photography to look dreamy with all the marble and rose gold and I know I'm only doing this because I've seen everyone else do it but I actually want my blog to look like that, I think it just looks so clean and beautiful and that's the style I want to aim for but I don't have too if I don't want to and that's the difference of blogging yourself or blogging for others.

Like I've said before, your blog is your space, our thoughts are from our minds and as long as you're happy with it then who cares what anybody else has to say?


My whole life has been me running around after everybody else, trying to fit in and it gets me no where and now I only do things that I genuinely want to, whether it get's me somewhere or not and I would suggest anybody to do the same because life is too short to make decisions we don't want to live by. You are not here to please everybody, it is not your job to reach everybody's needs.

YOUR BLOG IS VALID, NO MATTER WHAT THE STATS Sure people will always say stats matter and to somewhat I do agree but they do not define your blog, they don't determine whether your blog is relevant or not, they can indicate what posts are most popular and what your audience enjoys more but if your stats are low that doesn't mean you're blogging the wrong was, there is no wrong way to blog because it's your space. YOUR BLOG CAN BE WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE For me this is the most important and I forget it ALL the damn time. you don't have to have a niche and restrict yourself to specifically 1 style of posts, you don't have to be just a lifestyle blogger and not talk about beauty or art. You don't have to restrict yourself because everyone else is telling you too. I mean if your blog is a business blog then yeah by all means just blog about the brand but if your blog is based around you and what you enjoy then let your imagination go wild and write whatever the hell you want to! Do you blog for yourself?

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