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How to Write an Epic About Me Page

Your about me page is one of the most important pages on your blog. Not only is it one of the most popular pages, it’s also the page that will make your audience fall in love with you and want to keep coming back for more. If you’re writing your about me page for the first time, or want to spruce it up, make sure it’s an epic one.

Your Audience Comes First When you’re putting together your about me page, your audience should be the first thing on your mind. Although it’s called the “about me” page, it’s really all about them. So ask yourself: Who is my target market? What will they get out of visiting my site? What am I providing for them? Make sure you answer these questions right off the bat. If your website is dedicated to organic, vegetarian recipes, you want your audience to know exactly what they can find when they come to your site.

Ex: The Veg Head is a vegetarian food blog dedicated to providing healthy recipes that are always organic, delicious, and easy to make.

If someone lands on your website looking for vegetarian recipes, they’ll know pretty quickly that your site is a good fit. On the other hand, if someone lands on your site looking for recipes related to chicken noodle soup or fish tacos, they’re probably going to look somewhere else (unless the chicken and fish are made with soy). Therefore, you’re attracting the exact audience you’re looking for within the first sentence of your about me page.

Pro Tip: If you’re a brand new blogger and still looking to setup your website, Bluehost is an amazing hosting service. They’re extremely reliable, easy to use, and have plans starting out at $3.95 per month! Plus, they come with a FREE domain name.

Show Them Why You’re Unique You’ve explained exactly what your blog’s all about. Now let your audience know what makes you unique. What makes your website different from all of the other ones out there? Why should they bookmark your site and keep coming back?

Ex: Every vegetable that enters our kitchen is handpicked from our very own garden. We not only want to share healthy recipes with you, we also want to share the best time to plant and harvest the vegetables you’ll be cooking with. On the bottom of every recipe, we include a seasonal vegetable chart along with tips on growing them yourself.

Give Them Some Direction Now that you’ve shown them why you’re unique, give your audience some direction. If someone is new to your blog, they may not know where to go next. Include recommendations to make it a little easier. This could be a list of your most popular articles or a specific page you want them to look at.

Introduce Yourself At this point, I’m guessing they’ve fallen in love with your blog. You’ve explained to them what it’s about, why you’re unique, and helped them find where to go next. Now it’s time to let them fall in love with you. Introduce yourself and tell your story. What inspired you to create your blog and how did you get started? If you let them know a little bit about yourself, it’s only going to give your audience a reason to feel even more connected with you.

Pro Tip: When you’re telling your story, make sure it’s relevant to your blog. Your audience doesn’t need to know every detail of your life.

Add a Photo or Two When creating an epic about me page, it’s also important to show your face. Your audience wants to know who the heck you are, so include at least one picture of yourself. You can even share a photo or two of your workspace. People love to see where the magic is happening. Sharing a few photos shows that you’re a real human being that people can know and love.Keep Them in the LoopFinally, give your audience the opportunity to stay connected with you. It can be through social media, by signing up for your email list, or both! Include links to your Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram account along with an opt-in form for your email list. Now they can follow you across the World Wide Web.

You’re ready to go! You let your audience know exactly why your blog is the perfect fit for them, why you’re unique, articles they’ll be interested in, and even a little bit about yourself. Now click publish and you’ve got yourself one epic about me page!

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