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Itsmontezdotcom Gose searching for Mushrooms and finds

Semi Free Morels, they are found on loose ground and like chalk, often found growing in association with Hawthorn and Ash trees. Be careful not to confuse with False Morel or Thimble Morel, Gyromitra family and Verpa family.

Its has a Honeycombed cap with brownish black ridges and yellowish brown pits; bottom half hanging free from the whitish stalk; completely hollow. April-May. Cap conical, with honeycomb-like ridges and pits; ridges are brownish black, pits are yellowish brown; deeply pitted; hollow; top half of cap attached to stalk, bottom half hanging free like a skirt. Stalk enlarging at the base to 1–2 inches wide; whitish to ivory; has slight vertical ribs and often small bumps; hollow. Spore print cream to yellowish. Spores magnified are elliptical, smooth. Spores are located inside the pits.

Lookalikes: The poisonous false morels (Gyromitra caroliniana and G. brunnea) are reddish and have wrinkled, lobed, or brain-shaped caps and dense (not hollow) stalks. The yellow morel (M. esculentoides)and black morel (M. angusticeps) have larger caps, and the bottom of the cap in both species is fused to the stalk.

Life cycle

Mushrooms exist most of the year as a network of cells (mycelium) penetrating the soil or rotting material. When ready to reproduce, the mycelium develops mushrooms, which produce spores that, once released, can begin new mycelia elsewhere. For at least part of its life cycle, this species is a saprobe, feeding on decaying materials such as dead leaves or wood. It also might be mycorrhizal, spending part of its cycle connected to tree roots in a relationship benefiting both tree and fungus.

Human connections

Humans have eaten mushrooms for thousands of years. Morels are especially prized for their culinary value and are a favorite of mushroom hunters. Mushroom hunting is an exciting, fun, and rewarding hobby

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