The Inside Scoop
So Im sure alot of people have been wondering what has been going on with me and what of the music, Am I still singing the blues or am I interviewing other artist? You know the other day a Lady told me she said " You know if you would Promote your music the way you do others " . I had to Laugh at the statement she made.
All though it was true and from her heart, I am letting you all know that I am working Extra hard getting the right sounds behing the fellings that I have to spill out. I do have a few new songs that I have written and am more then happy to share with you, the news title to one that have wrote "Can I know You Name "
It is a very touching song for me. When I was Writing it it took me back to the times when I was still young Loooking For A pretty lil Gal to be Mine, and being to shy to ask her for her name or number. I wanted to give you all a story but then I still wanted you to have fun and want to get up and dance with the Grove. I must say it is one of the funnest that I have wrote this year!