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If you are a Christian and you have any interest in trying to close the gap between your faith and work, you need to hear these words today.

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in…” Words of Jesus from Revelation 3:15, 16, 20 (NLT)

Ouch. Does that hit you like it does me? This scripture and its implications could change how you intentionally live your life and your faith!

Ask yourself … Have you become lukewarm in your faith? Especially at work? Are you comfortable? Complacent? Lack passion? Do you call on God at work only when you need help?

I can ask these very blunt and personal questions because that was my story for the majority of my career. I called my brand of lukewarm Christianity being a “Sunday Christian.” Honestly, I believe this is still the case with many mainstream Christians today, especially in the workplace. When times are good at work, we forget about God. When we hit a difficult patch, we go running back to him.

Recently, I listened to a podcast from Craig Groeschel. He shared these basic “qualities” of a lukewarm Christian:

  • More focused on being accepted by people, than being accepted by God.

  • Rarely share their faith with others.

  • Rationalize their sins.

  • Only turn to God when they need something.

  • Give financially only when it’s convenient (because their money is theirs, not God’s).

  • They are both in the world and of the world.

If we are truthful, there are elements of these “qualities” in most of us. We are often full-time workers and part-time (lukewarm) followers of Jesus.

So what can you do about it?

  • Ask yourself this hard question: does your faith really mean something to you?

  • If it truly does, make a fresh commitment to be equipped to live it (see our 7 Pillars of Faith and Work eBook for a guide)

  • Identify a leader at work who can inspire you.

  • Find an accountability partner at work – someone to challenge and encourage you.

  • Here’s the best part. Jesus told us he stands at the door and knocks. He said if you hear my voice and open the door, he will come in. Let’s bring him into our work.

I don’t know about you, but lukewarm isn’t appealing to me. It’s like lukewarm coffee, or lukewarm soup … you want to spit it out. Let’s challenge ourselves and each other to becoming hot for Jesus! You in?

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