If you keep an eye on the financial world, which I do, and especially the green sectors, which I also do, it’s been an interesting time...
YouTube: The Easiest Way To Make Money From Home
Once someone enters the internet world, they start to see many ways for them to earn money online. There are at least a dozen ways to...
Facebook Just Ruined Instagram
About two weeks ago, while I was busy Snapchatting all the people at the park playing Pokémon Go, I wondered for a hot second why...
How to Write Compelling Website Copy
People don’t read website copy on a screen the same way they read a book or magazine. Your readers’ eyes skip about a web page like a...
Facebook Tweaks News Feed Algorithm to Punish Click-Bait Posts
Facebook Inc. is getting serious about quashing click-bait, two years after a first attempt had little success in curbing such posts....
A Flat Screen No More: Envelop For Windows Brings VR To Your Desktop
When you think of virtual reality, chances are something entertainment-oriented pops into your mind, like watching a movie or playing a...
Creating a Website in 5 Easy Steps
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) estimated last year that 50 percent of all small businesses still didn’t have a website....
How YouTube Views Are Monetized
Many artists and bands think that they’ll automatically make money when their videos are viewed on YouTube, but that’s far from the case....
The 6 Secrets for Turning Hard Work Into Elite Results
What defines an Elite Performer isn't how they show up when everything is going well. It’s the way they deliver when their best laid...
Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame
It was all so painfully awkward. That night, Brittany Ashley, a lesbian stoner in red lipstick, was at Eveleigh, a popular farm-to-table...