Why Your Elevator Pitch Is Your Single Best Marketing Tool
I’m going to start my case of why your elevator pitch is your single best marketing tool with a story. I once knew this guy whom I...
8 Twitter Lists You Should Be Using
If you’re not sure what “Twitter Lists” even are, let’s start there. Twitter Lists, as stated by Twitter, are “a curated group of Twitter...
4 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Social Media Manager
Before joining Hootsuite, I was a full time social media manager for a number of national television stations. Businesses had already...
3 Dependable Revenue Models for Monetizing Your Blog
Many large businesses and entrepreneurs create blogs to build a dependable revenue stream. It’s done to drive potential customers to a...
If you keep an eye on the financial world, which I do, and especially the green sectors, which I also do, it’s been an interesting time...
YouTube: The Easiest Way To Make Money From Home
Once someone enters the internet world, they start to see many ways for them to earn money online. There are at least a dozen ways to...
How YouTube Views Are Monetized
Many artists and bands think that they’ll automatically make money when their videos are viewed on YouTube, but that’s far from the case....
10 Tips for Landing a Product Licensing Deal
When you’ve got a great idea for a product, there’s an important decision to make right up front: do you want to build a brand new...
Historic State Theater Elizabethtown, Kentucky
History The State Theater was constructed in 1942 for J.M. Hobbs, President of the Kentucky Amusement Company, by the T. J. Murphy...
NYPD's Bill Bratton Blames 'Thugs' for Deadly T.I. Concert Shooting
Video Created by : Veuer After four people were shot -- one dead, three injured, according to police -- last night at Irving Plaza in New...